Glow duration control

Glow duration control

Glow duration control is divided into three parts:

- Preheating

- Starter heating

- After-heating


Preheating starts, depending on the coolant temperature, when the ignition key is turned to ON. Meanwhile, information on the active preheating is sent on the P-bus, which is read by the main instrument unit. This will turn on the preheating indicator lamp. If preheating is activated depends on the coolant temperature, see the table.

During preheating, the heating system always works at full power.

Temperature °C (°F)

Engagement duration (lamp on dashboard)

+5 (+41.0)

not active

-10 (+14.0)

5 seconds

-20 (-4.0)

10 seconds

-30 (-22.0)

15 seconds

Starter heating

Starter heating takes place for as long as the starter motor is engaged.

Starter heating is turned off if engine speed exceeds 400 rpm.


After-heating starts when the engine speed exceeds 750 rpm and is engaged as follows:

Coolant temperature °C (°F)

Engagement duration

17 (62.6)

3 minutes

20 (68.0)

40 seconds

40 (104.0)

40 seconds

41 (105.8)

not active

After-heating is turned off temporarily if the engine speed exceeds 2500 rpm.

All the heating phases entail supplying the glow plugs with full current until the heating becomes not active .