Brake-lights switch

Brake-lights switch

Current is supplied to the control module on pin 14 via the brake-lights switch when the brake pedal is depressed.

Information on the status of the brake-lights switch (ON/OFF) is used by the control module as follows:

If the brake pedal is released and then depressed while the ABS is active, the control module will start from the beginning of the control cycle again.

Brake-light switch ON is one of 4 criteria on which the control module determines whether or not to activate the EDB function.

The pump motor test is normally conducted at 6 km/h (3.7 mph) but with brake light switch ON, the test will be conducted at 15 km/h (9.3 mph).

If the brake pedal is depressed while the TCS function is active (brake light ON), the TC/ABS control module will disengage the TCS function for brake application and select the brake function. All other TCS functions will remain in operation.


The control module monitors the circuit by feeding a low current to pin 14, which is grounded via the brake-light lamps. If a break occurs in the circuit, DTC C2470 will be set.