The flow of refrigerant

The flow of refrigerant

1 Compressor

The refrigerant reaches the compressor from the evaporator at low pressure and in a gaseous state. In the compressor, the gas is compressed, which increases its pressure and temperature. The warm gaseous refrigerant is then forced on to the condenser.

2 Condenser

The hot pressurized refrigerant is pumped into the condenser coil by the compressor. The coil has cooling fins that are blown with air from the radiator fan and circulating air. Since heat is always transferred from a warmer object to a colder one, the hot refrigerant will release some of its heat to the colder air. When the hot gaseous refrigerant loses some of its heat, it starts to condense and return to a liquid state.

The system pressure sensor is located on the condenser.

3 Receiver

The receiver stores and dehumidifies the refrigerant which enters in a liquid state under high pressure and at high temperature. It passes through a filter element where it is dehumidified and where any particles are trapped. The refrigerant is then led to the expansion valve in a liquid state.

4 Expansion valve

The refrigerant that enters the expansion valve is in a liquid state and under high pressure at a high temperature. The expansion valve regulates the volume of refrigerant that is sprayed into the evaporator. The valve does not allow in more refrigerant than can be evaporated at any particular time.

5 Evaporator

When the refrigerant has passed the expansion valve into the evaporator, it expands. This is because the pressure in the evaporator is much lower due to the suction of the compressor.

Once the refrigerant has expanded, it changes to a gaseous state (evaporates). For this to take place, heat is required. This heat is taken from the air surrounding the evaporator and the cooled air is then led into the cabin. The refrigerant is led back to the compressor in a gaseous state.

The temperature sensor is located between the evaporator cooling fins.