Automatic transmission, fluid level

Automatic transmission, fluid level


Hold the footbrake depressed.

1. Park the car on level ground and apply the handbrake.

2. Start the engine and allow it to idle. Select position D and wait for at least 15 seconds. Then select R and wait for 15 seconds. Repeat for position P.

3. Connect the diagnostic tool and run the engine until it reaches 80°C as per the "Read values" menu for TCM.

4. Check the fluid level (engine idling and selector lever in position P). Top up as necessary. Pay attention to the appearance of the fluid and its odour. If it is turbid or discoloured and/or smells burnt, a change of fluid is advisable even if no complaints have been made about poor shifting performance or excessive noise. Refer to Changing the automatic transmission fluid .


In order to correctly read the oil level, the O-ring must be removed from the dipstick and refitted after reading.


Fill up with oil through the dipstick pipe. Do not remove any plugs from the top of the gearbox.


The dipstick has only one measuring range for warm oil. The oil volume between min-max is 0.5 litres (0.5 qts).

Oil type:

See Weight, fluid capacity and grade of fluid