Matching of pistons

Matching of pistons


Pistons of different makes must not be used in the same engine. The name of the manufacturer is cast inside the piston.

Pistons are stocked as spare parts in standard sizes and oversizes. In the case of oversize pistons, the cylinder must be rebored to achieve the correct piston clearance.

Use a 1/2" feeler gauge when matching pistons into cylinder bores. The cylinder bore must be lightly oiled and the piston, without piston rings, must be placed in the bore in which it is to operate. Fix the feeler gauge to a spring balance and place it between the piston and the cylinder bore at right angles to the gudgeon pin. Once the pulling power corresponds to 8-12 N (1,8-2,7 lbf), the average clearance will be the same as the thickness of the feeler gauge. Perform the test at several different heights.

Regarding piston clearance, see Pistons .