


The radio is an AM/FM receiver with PLL frequency synthesis for the precise tuning in of stations (frequency lock).

The antenna signal for the radio is supplied from the antenna amplifier via a coaxial cable and a separate connector (HF connector) to the head unit.

Activate the radio with the SRC button the head unit.

The radio uses the Radio Data System (RDS). RDS is an information system that is sent in parallel with FM radio broadcasts. RDS ensures optimum reception irrespective of your location. The RDS function automatically searches for the strongest signal.

RDS radio services

In addition to receiving FM broadcasts with RDS, the following functions and radio services can be used:

AF - alternative frequency

REG - for reception of regional radio stations

RT - for radio text

TA/TP for traffic news;

PTY for programme type selection;

Alternative Frequency (AF)

When RDS is active, Alternative Frequency (AF) is automatically active. This means that if reception is poor (and the radio does not have access to any alternative frequencies) the audio system will automatically search for the strongest signal for the current radio station. This is done using the programme identifier (PI code).

Regional frequencies (REG)

The REG function prevents the radio changing between different regional stations. REG is normally disengaged. REG limits the accessible frequencies to those within the same regional broadcast as that currently being listened to.

Radio Text (RT)

When RDS is activated, radio text messages (sent by some stations) can be viewed on the screen. If the active station sends a text message, the RT indicator at the top of the screen comes on and an RT button appears.

TA/TP (Traffic Announcement/Traffic Programme)

TA/TP is a function for receiving traffic news with RDS reception. The normal transmission/audio source is interrupted and the traffic news given.

The volume of traffic information can be set separately using the volume control.

PTY (Program TYpe)

The PTY function requires FM broadcasts to have a programme type code (e.g. News). When the functions is activated, you can search for a selected programme type.


This Service Manual does not cover the normal operation of the audio system. Detailed information on its operation is given in the Owner's Manual.