RDS radio services

RDS radio services


As well as receiving FM broadcasts with RDS, the RDS radio also allows use of the following radio services:

TA/TP for traffic news;

PTY for programme type selection;

EON - for NF, TA, TP and RDS data on the closest stations;

REG - for reception of local radio stations.

TA/TP (Traffic Announcement/Traffic Programme)

TA/TP is a function for receiving traffic news with RDS reception. The normal transmission/audio source is interrupted and the traffic news given.

The volume level for traffic news is programmable.

PTY (Program TYpe)

PTY is an RDS function for receiving programmes in the FM band which are coded by programme type. With PTY reception, the normal transmission/audio source is interrupted and the selected programme type heard.

EON (Enhanced Other Network)

EON ensures that the traffic news is received over station limits, i.e., if a traffic message is broadcast by one station while RDS reception of another station is in progress, the message will still be received.

EON is a function that automatically updates the current RDS station for best reception. This means that if, for instance, RDS reception of a station is updated during a journey, other RDS stations will also be updated for best reception at the same time.

REG (Regional)

REG is a function which can be used to receive a preprogrammed local radio station, i.e., to lock on to a local radio station without RDS changing the station in search of better signal quality.


This Service Manual does not cover the normal operation of the audio system. Detailed information on its operation is given in the Owner's Manual.