Heated front seat

Heated front seat

The seat and backrest on both front seats are heated. The heating is turned on when the ignition is ON (+54 circuit).

Description of operation

The heating pads 64LH and 64RH are powered via fuse 38. The heating is turned on and off via a temperature sensor (254). The temperature sensor consists of an NTC resistor, the resistance of which varies according to the temperature in the heating pad.

The temperature in the front heating pads can be set using switches 252LH and 252RH. The switches have four positions: 0-1-2-3. In position 0, the heating is disconnected, while position 3 gives maximum heating from the pad.

When the heating pads have reached the specified temperature for the switch position, the pads are switched off; they are switched on again when the temperature has fallen to the lower limit for the setting concerned.

Button and controls lighting

The switch for the heated front seat is lit by a bulb powered from DICE (pin 49, rheostat level). This voltage supplies the buttons and controls, ashtray light and cigarette lighter. For further information see Group 3 DICE, Button illumination and lighting for controls.