Poor/no satellite radio reception

Read the instructions below then start the fault diagnostic procedure.

Symptom: Poor/no satellite radio reception.

Poor/no satellite radio reception

Fault symptoms

Poor/no satellite radio reception.


The radio/CD functions normally.

No diagnostic trouble codes stored relating to the current symptom.

Diagnostic help

Mountains, high buildings, tunnels, parking houses and the like can block the signals which are easily absorbed.

Make sure the car is parked outdoors with nothing blocking the sky southwards. Activate the XM radio on channel 1. If reception is poor, contact XM customer service to verify the customer's account and ask if they are having network problems. If there are no problems with the account or network, check the antenna circuit. See B1259 for fault diagnosis.

Checking the wiring harness

Jiggle the wiring harness at several points and in different directions to detect intermittent breaks and short circuits. Check switches, connectors and crimp connections for oxidation, withdrawn pins and pin clamping force.