Rear seat backrest, 4D

Rear seat backrest, 4D

To remove

The 40% backrest can be removed separately. To remove the 60% backrest, the 40% backrest must first be removed.

1. Detach the upholstery hooks at the seatbelt mounting.

2. Fold up the seat cushion and fold down the backrest.

3. Undo the lock for the 40% backrest with a finger and pull up the backrest.

Pull the backrest off the spindle pins.

4. Lift out the 40% backrest.

5. 60% backrest:

Undo the catch for the 60% backrest with a finger and pull up the backrest.

Pull the backrest spindle pin out of the centre floor mounting.

Lift out the 60% backrest.

To fit

1. 60% backrest:

Lift in the 60% backrest and insert the pin in the centre floor mounting.

Press down on the outer frame of the backrest until the catch locks.

2. Lift in the 40% backrest and insert the pin into the backrest centre hinge. Press down on the outer frame of the backrest until the catch locks.


Check that the centre seat belt runs in front of the spindle pins and backrest.

3. Reattach the upholstery hooks at the seat-belt mounting.

4. Fold back and lock the backrest, and fold down the seat cushions.