Handbrake lever

Handbrake lever

To remove

1. Raise the car.

2. Remove the return springs and unhook the cables from the handbrake actuating levers.

3. Lower the car to the floor.

4. Remove the centre console and the gaiter from the handbrake lever .

5. Unplug the handbrake warning lamp connector.

6. Undo the cable tie securing the wiring harness.

7. Undo the handbrake lever's 4 retaining nuts.

8. Lift the handbrake lever straight up and carefully pull the entire cable equalizer assembly up through the hole and into the cabin.

9. Turn the handbrake cable through 90° and separate the cable equalizer.

To fit

1. Insert the handbrake cable into the cable equalizer and turn it through 90°.

2. Pull the cables back slightly at the rear wheels.

3. Correctly position the complete handbrake lever assembly.

4. Fit the handbrake lever's 4 retaining nuts.

5. Use a cable tie to secure the wiring harness.

6. Plug in the handbrake warning lamp connector.

7. Fit the centre console and the gaiter on the handbrake lever .

8. Raise the car.

9. Hook the cables onto the actuating levers and fit the return springs.

10. Adjust the handbrake .