Checking and adjustment before wheel alignment

Checking and adjustment before wheel alignment

If it is suspected that the alignment of the wheels is incorrect (as indicated by the car pulling to one side, abnormal tyre wear, imprecise steering and inferior roadholding, etc.), the following procedures should be followed:

1. Check the tyre pressures.

2. Check the wheels, front wheel bearings, suspension arm mountings, steering swivel member ball joints, coil springs and inboard and outboard track-rod ends. Adjust or replace any defective parts as necessary to eliminate fault symptoms caused by worn components.

3. Inspect the dampers and replace any that might be defective, together with any worn bushes.

4. If the car has been involved in a collision, has run off the road or the like, any resulting damage must be repaired before checking wheel alignment.

5. To avoid misleading results when using wheel alignment equipment, rock the car vigorously a few times before starting to check the alignment. When checking wheel alignment, the car should be unladen with nobody inside it but with a full tank of fuel. It should stand on a smooth and level surface. A variety of wheel-alignment equipment is available for mounting on the wheel rim or directly on the stub axle. For the correct use of such equipment, refer to the manufacturer's instructions.