Pitting in the cylinder block

Pitting in the cylinder block

Pitting in the surface sealing to the cylinder head

Under certain conditions, the cylinder block's surface sealing to the cylinder head can become pitted due to prolonged leaks in the cylinder head gasket. The pitting arises in the area around the engine coolant passageways.

1. Remove the cylinder head and the cylinder head gasket, see Cylinder head Seal the oil and coolant passageways and cylinders.


Make sure no repair compound or grindings enter the cylinders, coolant ducts or oil ways.

2. Clean the surface thoroughly. For maximum adhesion, the surface should be roughened slightly with course abrasive paper.

3. Use protective rubber gloves. Cut the desired amount of repair compound, Alustick , and remove the plastic casing from the compound.


Always use protective gloves when working with chemicals.

4. Knead the repair compound with your fingers until it has an even colour.

5. Apply the repair compound with pressure to the damaged area within 2 minutes. Thoroughly apply the compound in an even layer, making sure that the surface lies on top of the surrounding surface area for the cylinder block. To achieve the smoothest possible surface, excess repair compound should be removed immediately with a damp cloth.

6. Let the compound harden completely (1-2 hours) and smooth off the area with a grinding block so that the cylinder block surface is level and smooth. Make sure that no metal is removed from the surface of the cylinder block.

7. Fit the cylinder head and the cylinder head gasket, see Cylinder head .