Road test schedule

Road test schedule

This schedule is intended for guidance when carrying out a road test to check complaints about the operation of automatic transmission FA57. Note that speed limits must not be exceeded.

Before starting the road test:

- Check the level of the fluid in the transmission before starting the road test.

Road test:

1. Check the operation of the starting interlock switch:

- Try to start the car with the selector lever in position P or N .

- Try starting the vehicle when the selector lever is in a position other than P or N . It must not be possible to start the car in any of these other positions.

2. Check the positions of the selector lever:

- Check that the play in positions N and D is equal.

3. Check reverse gear:

- Reverse the car in the normal manner, checking at the same time that the reversing light comes on.

4. Listen for mechanical noise:

- Start in position D . Drive the car so that the transmission is caused to upshift and downshift. Listen for abnormal sounds from the transmission. If you hear anything unusual, stop the road test and return to the garage for fault diagnosis. Refer to “Fault diagnosis, fault symptoms”.

5. Check the operation of the transmission while driving:

Sport mode (S)

- The transmission should downshift faster.

- Normal position

- Start in position D . Check shifting speed at the lightest possible throttle opening. Also note whether shifting is characterized by slip or jerkiness. Check whether the Lock-up function is present.

- Start in the D position. Depress the accelerator to the kickdown position (100% accelerator position). After the shift from 1st to 2nd gear, release the accelerator slightly to just before the kickdown position (85% accelerator position). Check that the gears engage. Observe also if the gearshifting slips or is rough. Check that the Lock-up function is available.


Select the M position for the selector lever and check that it is possible to change to all gears using the steering wheel controls.


- Start in position D . Depress the accelerator to the kickdown position at different speeds. Check the highest shifting speed when kickdown downshifting takes place.

- Stop the car on a level road with the selector lever in position N . Release the brakes and press the accelerator slightly. Does the car move forward?

- Start in position 4 . Drive the car until 5th gear is engaged. Move the selector lever to position L at a high vehicle speed and release the accelerator. Check that the transmission shifts down correctly (4 - 3 - 2 - 1).

- Start in position L . Accelerate and check whether engine braking is present.

- Place the selector lever in position P when the car is stationary on a downhill gradient and release the brakes. Does the car move? It should stand completely still.