Interior rear-view mirror with remote control, garage opening and compass, US/CA

Interior rear-view mirror with remote control, garage opening and compass, US/CA

Remote control, garage opening

The unit is integrated into the interior rear-view mirror. The purpose of the garage opener is to replace separate remote controls for remote controlled garage openers. The garage opener is capable of lower frequencies for three different remote controls.

The unit comprises a receiver which reads signals from an existing programmable remote control, a transmitter which outputs a signal to open the garage door when a memory button is pressed, a processor and a non-volatile memory.

The garage opener can teach itself both "rolling codes" as well as fixed codes. Note that the programming process differentiates between programming of rolling code compared with fixed code.

With programming the garage opener will read the carrier wave frequency, the modulation type and the code. This information is stored in a non-volatile memory in the garage opener and if the car is without current the programmed code will remain stored. When one of the three buttons is then pressed the garage opener will read the code for the remote control which is programmed into that precise memory position, the button. The programming procedure is described in Remote control programming, garage opening

The original remote control for the garage should be saved for any future programming procedures. It is recommended that the garage opener is deprogrammed when the car is sold.


The compass is an electronic type where the compass point is viewed in a small display which is built-in to the mirror glass. The compass point is indicated as follows: N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW and is updated every other second. The compass can compensate for deviations in the terrestrial magnetic field, as well as disturbances caused by the car's magnetic field.

The compass is supplied with +15 current together with other electronics in the interior rear-view mirror on pin 5, ground on pin 8.

Zone use

Magnetic fields are different, depending on location. If the car is driven between different magnetic zones the compass in the car needs to be updated to display the correct compass direction. There is an approx. 4 degree difference in magnetic variation from one zone to another.

1. Look at the illustrations to find the correct zone.

2. Hold button 5 pressed in until "ZONE" is shown in the display in the mirror (6 seconds). Now a number for the zone the compass is set to is shown.

3. Short presses on button 5 change the zone number one unit. There are 15 zones. When the required zone has been toggled to the button must be released. After 4 seconds the compass reverts to showing the compass direction.

Compensating for the car's magnetic field.

If such an accessory as a mobile phone is fitted and it is considered that the compass is influenced by it then it must be calibrated manually.


Fitting of strong sources of magnetism, such as extra loudspeakers, can mean that the functioning of the compass is negatively influenced. Try to calibrate the compass manually.

1. Hold the button pressed in until "CAL" is displayed together with the compass direction (approx. 9 seconds).

2. Drive in circles, approx. 3-4 laps, (max 5 mph, 8 km/h) until "CAL" fades out or drive normally until "CAL" fades out.