Cylinder Head Disassemble (LDK, LHU)

Cylinder Head Disassemble (LDK, LHU)

Special Tools

EN-8062 Valve Spring Compressor

EN-36017 Valve Seal Remover

EN-43963 Valve Spring Compressor (off car)

For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools (LDK, LHU) .

1. Remove the intake camshaft position sensor (1) and bolt.


Compressed valve springs have high tension against the valve spring compressor. Valve springs that are not properly compressed by or released from the valve spring compressor can be ejected from the valve spring compressor with intense force. Use care when compressing or releasing the valve spring with the valve spring compressor and when removing or installing the valve stem keys. Failing to use care may cause personal injury.


Do not compress the valve springs to less than 24.0 mm (0.943 in). Contact between the valve spring retainer and the valve stem oil seal can cause potential valve stem oil seal damage.


Ensure that the valve train components are kept together and identified in order for proper installation in their original position.

Using the EN-8062 compressor and the EN-43963 compressor , compress the valve spring.

3. Remove the valve keys (1) .

4. Slowly release the EN-8062 compressor and the EN-43963 compressor from the valve spring assembly .

5. Remove the retainers (2) .

6. Remove the springs (1) .


Do not damage the valve guide. Remove any burrs that have formed at the key groove by chamfering the valve stem with an oil stone or a file.

Using the EN-36017 remover , remove the valve seals (1). Do not reuse the valve seals.

8. Remove the valves (1) .

9. Remove the cylinder head plugs (1) .