Valve Stem Oil Seal and Valve Spring Replacement - Left Side

Valve Stem Oil Seal and Valve Spring Replacement - Left Side

Special Tools

EN-46106 Flywheel Holding Tool

EN 46110 On-Vehicle Valve Spring Compressor

EN 46116 Valve Stem Seal Remover/Installer

J 39313 Spark Plug Port Adapter

For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools .

Removal Procedure

1. Remove the starter. Refer to Starter Replacement (2.0L Diesel) Starter Replacement (LAU/A28NER) Starter Replacement (LDE/A16XER, LLU/A16LET, 2H0/A18XER) Starter Replacement (LHU/A20NFT) .


If the EN 46106 flywheel holding tool is not installed, the crankshaft may rotate. If the crankshaft rotates, disassembly and reassembly of the entire camshaft timing system may be required.

Install the EN 46106 tool in order to prevent crankshaft rotation.

3. Remove the camshafts and rocker arms. Refer to Camshaft Replacement - Left Side .

4. Remove the spark plug from the applicable cylinder. Refer to Spark Plug Replacement .

5. Install the J 39313 spark plug port adapter to the applicable cylinder.

6. Install the EN 46110 on-vehicle valve spring compressor above the applicable cylinder as shown.

7. Tighten the valve spring compressor fasteners (1).

8. Connect the J 39313 adapter to a compressed air source.

9. Tighten the EN 46110 valve spring compressor fasteners (2).

10. Remove the valve keepers.

11. Loosen the EN 46110 valve spring compressor fasteners.

12. Remove the valve spring retainer.

13. Remove the valve spring.

14. Use the EN 46116 valve stem seal remover/installer (1) in order to remove the valve stem seal (2).

Installation Procedure

1. Use the EN 46116 remover/installer (1) in order to install the valve stem seal (2).

2. Install the valve spring.

3. Install the valve spring retainer.

4. Install the EN 46110 valve spring compressor above the applicable valve spring as shown.

Tighten the EN 46110 valve spring compressor fasteners (2).

5. Install the valve spring keepers.

6. Remove the EN 46110 valve spring compressor fasteners.

7. Disconnect the J 39313 adapter from the compressed air source.

8. Remove the EN 46110 compressor.

9. Remove the J 39313 adapter.

10. Install the spark plugs. Refer to Spark Plug Replacement .

11. Install the rocker arms and camshafts. Refer to Camshaft Replacement - Left Side .

12. Remove the EN 46106 tool.

13. Install the starter. Refer to Starter Replacement (2.0L Diesel) Starter Replacement (LAU/A28NER) Starter Replacement (LDE/A16XER, LLU/A16LET, 2H0/A18XER) Starter Replacement (LHU/A20NFT) .