Anti-theft alarm

Anti-theft alarm

Affixing of anti-theft alarm labels

In the case of cars equipped with an anti-theft alarm, a label must be affixed to both remote control units.

Select the right label for the market concerned and affix it to the flat surface of the remote control units.


Anti-theft alarm without VSS

No programming is required in connection with pre-delivery service. For information on the anti-theft alarm, see the appropriate section in Service Manual 3:5.

Anti-theft alarm with VSS (GB, NL, CH only)

On cars featuring an anti-theft alarm with VSS, the alarm is programmed at the factory in accordance with the specification for Germany. On cars for the GB, NL and CH markets, the alarm will have to be reprogrammed with an ISAT scan tool. Select the appropriate country code and reprogram the alarm. For further information on the anti-theft alarm, see the relevant section in Service Manual 3:5.