Dips in idling speed and engine rpm

Dips in idling speed and engine rpm

Symptom of fault

Idling speed drops drastically when the engine has to cope with a sudden load demand in connection with the engagement of high-current electrical equipment such as the A/C, ACC, power steering, electrically heated rear window or, on cars with automatic transmission, selection of a gear position.


No diagnostic trouble codes.

Diagnostic procedure

1. Check for air leakage

- Start the engine, warm it up and then run it at idling speed.

- Constrict the flow of air through the idle air control valve by pinching off the air hose using a pair of pliers. Do not restrict the flow of air so much that the engine stalls.

Idling speed should drop drastically.

Has engine speed dropped?


Continue with point 2.


Continue fault diagnosis by checking:

• poorly adjusted throttle

• Air leakage (after throttle)

Rectify as necessary and continue with point 6.

2. Check idle speed control operation

- Remove the pliers constricting the flow of air.

Idling speed should increase sharply and then stabilize in about 10-20 seconds at the nominal speed of 900 rpm (warmed-up engine).

Functionality OK?


Continue with point 5.


Continue with point 3.

3. Check operation of the control valve

- Disconnect the valve's air hoses.

- Remove the idle air control valve.

- Plug in the idle air control valve's electrical connector.

- Connect an ISAT scan tool.

- Ignition switch in ON position.

- Select "ACTIVATE".

- Select "IAC VALVE"

- Check visually that the valve rotates without tending to bind.

Is the control valve OK?


Continue with point 4.


Change the idle air control valve and then continue with point 6.

4. Check the idle air control valve switch and/or connector

- Carry out a visual check of the control valve's switch and connector. If necessary, clean and grease the switch and/or connector.

- Check whether engine revs continue to dip.

Does the engine still dip?


Continue with point 5.


Continue with point 6.

5. Check the engine load

- Check that the Trionic control module receives the correct input signals to compensate for any changes in engine load. Depending on the trouble, continue fault diagnosis with:

Fault diagnosis, DRIVE, on .

Fault diagnosis, other trouble. Continue as described below.

- Try changing the idle air control valve.

- Check whether the idle air control valve works.

Does the engine still dip?


Continue with point 6.


Change the idle air control valve and then continue with point 6.

6. Final check

- Perform a driving cycle:

Drive the car at varying engine loads and rpm for 5 minutes.

Car speed should exceed 20 km/h at some time during the driving cycle

Stop the car, apply the handbrake and run the engine at idling speed

Switch off the A/C and all electrical equipment. If the car has automatic transmission, select position P. Allow the engine to stabilize its idling speed for 10 sec.

Switch on the A/C and all electrical equipment. If the car has automatic transmission, select position D. Allow the engine to stabilize its idling speed for 10 sec. Evaluation of driving cycle: Check whether diagnostic trouble codes P0505-P0507 have been generated.

Has any of the diagnostic trouble codes been generated?


Proceed to .


The remedial measure taken was correct.