Usage recommendations

Usage recommendations

Selector lever position P

Position P must only be selected when the car is stationary. The selector lever and the transmission are locked. The engine can be started.

Selector lever position R

Position R must only be selected when the car is stationary. This position cannot be selected without lifting the selector lever detent.

Wait a moment before depressing the accelerator to give the reverse gear time to engage properly.

Selector lever position N

With the selector lever in position N there is no connection between the engine and the transmission. The engine can be started. The handbrake should be applied to prevent the car from moving.

To avoid excessively high engine and transmission temperatures, N should be selected when the car is at a standstill for lengthier periods.

Selector lever position D

Position D is the normal driving position. After selecting the gear, wait a moment before depressing the accelerator to give the gear time to engage properly. The transmission automatically shifts between gears 1 and 4. The shifting points depend on the position of the accelerator and the speed of the car.

Selelctor lever position 3

In this position 4th gear is blocked. The car starts in 1st gear and then shifts automatically between gears 1 and 3.

Position 3 is recommended for driving on winding roads and in dense city traffic.

If the selector lever is moved from position D to position 3, the transmission will downshift to 3rd gear and more powerful engine braking will be obtained. The selector lever should not be moved to this position at speeds above 150 km/h.

Selector lever position 2

This position is to be preferred in mountainous regions. The power of the engine will be better utilized and engine braking will be more efficient. The transmission shifts automatically between 1st and 2nd gears. 3rd and 4th gears are blocked. The selector lever should not be moved to this position at speeds above 150 km/h.

Selector lever position 1

Position 1 should be chosen on steep uphill gradients to avoid frequent upshifting and downshifting which could cause overheating of the transmission fluid. This position should also be selected when maximum engine braking is required on extremely steep downhill gradients.

If the selector lever is moved from position D to position 1, the transmission will immediately downshift to 3rd gear. Downshifting to 2nd gear occurs at about 115 km/h and to 1st gear at about 60 km/h. Manual downshifting must not be carried out at speeds above 150 km/h. In position 1 all other gears are blocked.