Before fault diagnosis is started

Before fault diagnosis is started

The following points should always be carried out before fault diagnosis is started:


Take no readings and make no connections in the airbag system until the airbags have been disconnected.

Read through the Safety and handling instructions .

Turn off the ignition.

Testing using a test instrument must not be carried out on the ignition circuit with components connected.The components must be disconnected and a reference resistance connected before testing is carried out. Values can be read from the ignition circuit with components connected when using the diagnostic tool. The values stated for the diagnostic tool show within which interval the resisitance should be with a correct circuit.


Do not splice any leads of the airbag system.

Splicing can cause malfunctions that render the system inoperable and can lead to serious or fatal injuries.


If a connector has been pull apart when the ignition is on, this is registered as an trouble code by the control module. The diagnostic trouble code does not disappear until the connector has been joined again and the trouble code has been deleted or 50 ignition cycles have been completed.