Upper heat shield, turbo, B284

Upper heat shield, turbo, B284

To remove


The turbocharger can be hot and great care must be observed.

1. Remove the battery cover (A).

2. Remove the battery cable.

3. Remove the battery.

4. Remove Battery cover, bottom section, B284 .

5. Loosen and slightly raise the expansion tank.

6. Remove the upper heat shield from the turbocharger (A).

To fit

1. Fit the upper heat shield on the turbocharger (A).

2. Fit the coolant reservoir in the mounting.

3. Fit Battery cover, bottom section, B284 .

4. Fit the battery.

5. Connect the battery cable.

6. Fit the battery cover and the engine cover.

7. Remove the wing covers and restore car electrical functions, see Procedure after reconnecting the battery .