Engine Overheating

Engine Overheating

Step Action Yes No
DEFINITION: The engine temperature lamp comes on and stays on, or temperature gauge shows hot, or coolant overflows from the surge tank onto the ground while the engine is running.
Check the condenser, radiator, and auxiliary coolers for any obstructions or bent fins that would prevent air flow through the radiator. Is there any airflow obstruction or bent fins? Go to Step 2 Go to Step 3

1. Remove any debris that may cause an air flow obstruction.

2. Remove or relocate aftermarket add-on components that block air flow to the radiator.

Does the engine still overheat?
Go to Step 3 System OK
Check for loose, missing, or damaged radiator air seals or deflectors. Are there any loose, missing, or damaged radiator air seals or deflectors? Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
Repair or replace any loose, missing, or damaged radiator air seals or deflectors. Does the engine still overheat? Go to Step 5 System OK
Check for an inoperative cooling fan. Refer to Cooling Fan Inoperative (LAU) Cooling Fan Inoperative (LF1) . Is the thermostat operating properly? Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
Repair or replace the cooling fan(s) as necessary. Refer to Engine Coolant Fan Motor Replacement (LF1) . Does the engine still overheat? Go to Step 7 System OK
Check for a loss of coolant. Refer to Loss of Coolant . Does the engine still overheat? Go to Step 8 System OK
Check for kinked or pinched cooling hoses. Are any cooling hoses kinked or pinched? Go to Step 9 Go to Step 10

1. Relieve any kinks by rerouting the hoses.

2. Replace the hoses, if necessary.

Does the engine still overheat?
Go to Step 10 System OK
Using J-26568 Coolant and Battery Fluid Tester check the coolant concentration. Does the coolant concentration test correctly? Go to Step 12 Go to Step 11
Replace the coolant, if necessary. Refer to Loss of Coolant . Does the engine still overheat? Go to Step 12 System OK
Check for any blocked cooling system passages. Are there blocked cooling system passages? Go to Step 13 Go to Step 14
Remove any obstructions by flushing the cooling system. Refer to Flushing . Does the engine still overheat? Go to Step 14 Go to Step 19
Inspect the accessory drive belt tensioner. Refer to Drive Belt Tensioner Diagnosis . Does the engine still overheat? Go to Step 15 System OK
Check for a faulty thermostat. Refer to Thermostat Diagnosis . Does the engine still overheat? Go to Step 16 System OK
Replace the radiator. Refer to Radiator Replacement (LAU) Radiator Replacement (LF1) . Does the engine still overheat? Go to Step 17 System OK
Check for a faulty water pump. The impeller blades may be eroded or broken. Is the water pump faulty? Go to Step 18 -
Replace the water pump. Refer to Water Pump Replacement (LAU) Water Pump Replacement (LF1) . Did you complete the repair? Go to Step 19 -
Operate the system to verify the repair. Did you correct the condition? System OK -