Manual Shift Detent Lever with Shaft Position Switch Assembly Replacement

Manual Shift Detent Lever with Shaft Position Switch Assembly Replacement

Callout Component Name

Preliminary Procedures

1. Remove the transmission range selector lever. Refer to Automatic Transmission Range Selector Lever Replacement .

2. Remove the lower control valve body. Refer to Control Valve Lower Body and Upper Body Replacement .

1 Manual Shaft Detent Lever Pin

Use J 41229 to install the manual shaft pin at the correct height in order to properly secure the manual shaft. If you install the pin too deep, the case bore may crack.

Use a small nail puller to remove the pin. Discard the pin. It is not reusable.

Use DT-41229 Manual Shaft Pin Installer to install the pin.

Inspect that the pin installed height is within 6.5 mm-7.5 mm (0.25 in-0.30 in).

Special Tools

DT 41229 Manual Shaft Pin Installer
2 Manual Shaft Detent Lever Assembly (With Shift Position Switch)


Removal: Partly lower the manual shaft detent lever assembly (w/shift position switch) in order to rotate the detent lever and disconnect the park actuator rod. Then fully remove the manual shaft detent lever assembly from the transmission case.

Installation: Partly install the manual shaft detent lever assembly (w/shift position switch). Rotate the detent lever and connect the park actuator rod. Then fully install the manual shaft detent lever assembly in the transmission case.

Lubricate the manual shaft with automatic transmission fluid (ATF) to prevent damage to the manual shift shaft seal.


Do not pull the park actuator rod end out beyond the machined oil passage surface in the case. A no park condition will exist if the park pawl actuator assembly is pulled out of the transmission too far and the actuator rod disengages from the park pawl. The transmission assembly will require disassembly to re-install the actuator rod over the park pawl.